A Faithful Depositary

: Fontenelle.

Under the ministry of Neckar in France, the
receiver of taxes at Roye, in Picardy, had the misfortune to have his

premises burnt,--cattle, furniture, and every thing became the prey of the

flames, except two thousand livres of the king's money, the produce of the

taxes which he had collected. These the courageous man rescued from the

flames, and the next day lodged them in the hands of the provincial

director. When Neckar was apprised of the fact, he laid it before the king,

and afterwards wrote to the receiver with his own hand as follows: "His

Majesty having been informed of the circumstance of your loss, and being

pleased with the conduct you have displayed, returns you the 2000 livres,

which he desires you will keep as a testimony of his esteem."

