French Grenadier

: War.

During the assault of Thurot on the town of
Carrickfergus in 1760, an incident took place, reflecting at once the

highest lustre on the soldier concerned, and evincing the union of

consummate courage with noble humanity. Whilst the combatants were opposed

to each other in the streets, and every inch was pertinaciously disputed by

the British forces, a child by some accident escaped from a house in the

midst of the scene of action, and ran, unawed by the danger, into the

narrow interval between the hostile fronts. One of the French grenadiers

seeing the imminent danger of the child, grounded his piece; left the ranks

in the hottest fire; took the child in his arms, and placed it in safety in

the house from which it had come, and then with all possible haste returned

to resume his part in the fight.

