Mice As Navigators

Although there are few who would dispute the cleverness and sagacity of

the larger animals, it is doubtful if there are many who credit the mouse

with even average intelligence. The following instance may go far to raise

our humble friend in the popular estimation; more especially as it has

been vouched for by eye-witnesses. In countries where berries are but

thinly dispersed, these little animals are obliged to cross rivers to mak

their distant forages. In returning with their booty to their magazines,

they are obliged to recross the stream; in doing which they show an

ingenuity little short of marvellous. The party, which consists of from

six to ten, select a water-lily leaf, or some other floating substance, on

which they place the berries on a heap in the middle; then, by their

united force, bring it to the water's edge, and after launching it, embark

and place themselves round the heap, with their heads joined over it, and

their backs to the water. In this manner they drift down the stream, until

they reach the opposite shore, when they unload their cargo, which they

store away for the proverbial rainy day.

