His Charity

Like Dean Swift, Father O'Leary relieved, every Monday morning, a number

of reduced roomkeepers and working men. The average of his weekly

charity amounted to two, sometimes three pounds--though he had no income

except that derived from the contributions of those who frequented the

poor Capuchin little chapel.

* * * * *

After the publication of his Essay on Tol
ration, Father O'Leary was

elected a member of the Monks of St. Patrick, which took its rise

under the auspices of that great lawyer, Lord Avonmore, then Mr.

Yelverton. As a return for the honor thus conferred on him, he expressed

his gratitude in the dedication of his various productions, which he

collected together, and published in 1781.

* * * * *

At one of the meetings of the English Catholic Board, whilst O'Leary was

addressing the chairman, the late Lord Petre, it was suggested by the

noble president that the speaker was entering on topics not calculated

to promote the unanimity of the assembly. O'Leary, however, persevered:

on which Lord Petre interrupted him, adding, Mr. O'Leary, I regret much

to see that you are out of order. The reply was equally quick and

characteristic--I thank you for your anxiety, my lord; but I assure you

I never was in letter health in my life. The archness of manner with

which these words were uttered was triumphant, and every unpleasant

feeling was lost in the mirth which was necessarily excited.

