Paddy And The Parson

In June, 1832, O'Connell addressed a meeting of the Political Union of

the London working classes. In his address, he humorously and

graphically describes the system of passive resistance then adopted

against the payment of Tithes, in the following amusing dialogue between

Paddy and the parson:--

And how does Paddy act? Does he disobey the laws? No. 'Paddy,' says the

parson, 'you owe me Ll 17s. 6d.' 'And
hat may it be for, your

Riverence!' says Pat (laughter). 'Tithes! Paddy.' 'Arrah! thin I suppose

your Riverence gave some value fornint I was born; for divil a bit I

ever seen since (roars of laughter). But your Riverence, I suppose, has

law for it? Bless the law! your honor, and sure an I wouldn't be after

going to disobey it; but plase your Riverence, I have no money' (great

laughter). 'Ah, Pat, but you've a cow there. 'Yes, your Riverence,

that's the cow that gives food to Norry and the fourteen childer.'

'Well, Paddy, then I must distrain that cow.' 'If your honor has law for

it, to be sure you will.' Well, what does Paddy do? He stamps the word

'Tithes' upon her side, and the parson can't find a soul to take the

cow. So he gets a regiment and a half, by way of brokers (much

laughter)--fourteen or fifteen companies, with those amiable young

gentlemen, their officers, at their head, who march seventeen or

eighteen miles across the Bog of Allen to take his cow; they bring the

cow to Carlow; when they get there, they find a great crowd assembled;

the parson rubs his hands with glee. 'Plenty of customers for the cow,'

quoth he to himself. The cow is put up at L2--no bidder; L1--no bidder;

10s--5s.--6d.--1-1/2d. (cheers). Not a soul will bid, and back goes the

cow to Norry and the fourteen childer (continued cheers).

