Bad Habit

SIR FREDERICK FLOOD had a droll habit, of which he could never

effectually break himself. Whenever a person at his back whispered or

suggested anything to him whilst he was speaking in public, without a

moment's reflection, he always repeated the suggestion literatim. Sir

Frederick was once making a long speech in the Irish Parliament, lauding

the transcendent merits of the Wexford magistracy, on a motion for

extending the criminal jurisdiction in that county, to keep down the

disaffected. As he was closing a most turgid oration by declaring that

the said magistracy ought to receive some signal mark of the

Lord-Lieutenant's favor, John Egan, who was rather mellow, and sitting

behind him, jocularly whispered, and be whipped at the cart's

tail.--And be whipped at the cart's tail! repeated Sir Frederick

unconsciously, amidst peals of uncontrollable laughter.

