The average modern play calls in the first act for all our faith, in the

second for all our hope, and in the last for all our charity.--_Eugene


The young man in the third row of seats looked bored. He wasn't having a

good time. He cared nothing for the Shakespearean drama.

"What's the greatest play you ever saw?" the young woman asked,

observing his abstraction.
br />

Instantly he brightened.

"Tinker touching a man out between second and third and getting the ball

over to Chance in time to nab the runner to first!" he said.

LARRY--"I like Professor Whatishisname in Shakespeare. He brings things

home to you that you never saw before."

HARRY--"Huh! I've got a laundryman as good as that."

I think I love and reverence all arts equally, only putting my own just

above the others.... To me it seems as if when God conceived the world,

that was Poetry; He formed it, and that was Sculpture; He colored it,

and that was Painting; He peopled it with living beings, and that was

the grand, divine, eternal Drama.--_Charlotte Cushman_.

Two women were leaving the theater after a performance of "The Doll's


"Oh, don't you _love_ Ibsen?" asked one, ecstatically. "Doesn't he just

take all the hope out of life?"

