Recipe for an editor:

Take a personal hatred of authors,

Mix this with a fiendish delight

In refusing all efforts of genius

And maiming all poets on sight.


The city editor of a great New York daily was known in the newspaper

world as a martinet and severe disciplinarian. Some of his caustic and

biting criticisms ar
classics. Once, however, the tables were turned

upon him in a way that left him speechless for days.

A reporter on the paper wrote an article that the city editor did not

approve of. The morning of publication this reporter drifted into the

office and encountered his chief, who was in a white heat of anger.

Carefully suppressing the explosion, however, the boss started in with

ominous and icy words:

"Mr. Blank, I am not going to criticize you for what you have written.

On the other hand, I am profoundly sorry for you. I have watched your

work recently, and it is my opinion, reached after calm and

dispassionate observation, that you are mentally unbalanced. You are

insane. Your mind is a wreck. Your friends should take you in hand. The

very kindest suggestion I can make is that you visit an alienist and

place yourself under treatment. So far you have shown no sign of

violence, but what the future holds for you no one can tell. I say this

in all kindness and frankness. You are discharged."

The reporter walked out of the office and wandered up to Bellevue

Hospital. He visited the insane pavilion, and told the resident surgeon

that there was a suspicion that he was not all right mentally and asked

to be examined. The doctor put him through the regular routine and then


"Right as a top."

"Sure?" asked the reporter. "Will you give me a certificate to that

effect?" The doctor said he would and did. Clutching the certificate

tightly in his hand the reporter entered the office an hour later,

walked up to the city editor, handed it to him silently, and then

blurted out,

"Now you go get one."

