It was a Washington woman, angry because the authorities had closed the

woman's rest-room in the Senate office building, who burst out:

"It is almost as if the Senate had hurled its glove into the teeth of

the advancing wave that is sounding the clarion of equal rights."

A water consumer in Los Angeles, California, whose supply had been

turned off because he wouldn't pay, wrote to the depar
ment as follows:

"In the matter of shutting off the water on unpaid bills, your company

is fast becoming a regular crystallized Russian bureaucracy, running in

a groove and deaf to the appeals of reform. There is no use of your

trying to impugn the verity of this indictment by shaking your official

heads in the teeth of your own deeds.

"If you will persist in this kind of thing, a widespread conflagration

of the populace will be so imminent that it will require only a spark to

let loose the dogs of war in our midst. Will you persist in hurling the

corner stone of our personal liberty to your wolfish hounds of

collectors, thirsting for its blood? If you persist, the first thing you

know you will have the chariot of a justly indignant revolution rolling

along in our midst and gnashing its teeth as it rolls.

"If your rascally collectors are permitted to continue coming to our

doors with unblushing footsteps, with cloaks of hypocritical compunction

in their mouths, and compel payment from your patrons, this policy will

result in cutting the wool off the sheep that lays the golden egg, until

you have pumped it dry--and then farewell, a long farewell, to our

vaunted prosperity."

