A Yankee just returning to the states was dining with an Englishman, and

the latter complained of the mud in America.

"Yes," said the American, "but it's nothing to the mud over here."

"Nonsense!" said the Englishman.

"Fact," the American replied. "Why, this afternoon I had a remarkable

adventure--came near getting into trouble with an old gentleman--all

through your confounded mud."

"Some of the streets are a little greasy at this season, I admit," said

the Englishman. "What was your adventure, though?"

"Well," said the American, "as I was walking along I noticed that the

mud was very thick, and presently I saw a high hat afloat on a large

puddle of very rich ooze. Thinking to do some one a kindness, I gave the

hat a poke with my stick, when an old gentleman looked up from beneath,

surprised and frowning. 'Hello!' I said. 'You're in pretty deep!'

'Deeper than you think,' he said. 'I'm on the top of an omnibus!'"

