
Little six-year-old Harry was asked by his Sunday-school teacher:

"And, Harry, what are you going to give your darling little brother for

Christmas this year?"

"I dunno," said Harry; "I gave him the measles last year."

For little children everywhere

A joyous season still we make;

We bring our precious gifts to them,

Even for the dear child Jesus' sake.

--_Phebe Cary_.

I will, if you will,

devote my Christmas giving to the children and the needy,

reserving only the privilege of, once in a while,

giving to a dear friend a gift which then will have

the old charm of being a genuine surprise.

I will, if you will,

keep the spirit of Christmas in my heart, and,

barring out hurry, worry, and competition,

will consecrate the blessed season, in joy and love,

to the One whose birth we celebrate.

--_Jane Porter Williams_.

