
Gilbert wrote a couplet concerning--

"An attachment _à la_ Plato

For a bashful young potato."

Such suggestion is all very well in a humorous ballad, but we do not

look for anything of the sort in a serious romance of real life.

Nevertheless, a Welsh newspaper of recent date carried the following


"At ---- Church, on Monday last, a very interesting wedding was

solemnized, the contracting parties being Mr. Richard ----, eldest son

of Mr. and Mrs. ----, and a bouquet of pink carnations."


The old gentleman was lost in a London fog, so thick that he could

hardly see his hand before his face. He became seriously alarmed when he

found himself in a slimy alley. Then he heard footsteps approaching

through the obscurity, and sighed with relief.

"Where am I going to?" he cried anxiously.

A voice replied weirdly from the darkness beyond:

"Into the river--I've just come out!"

