
"You are a little goose!" remarked a young M.D. playfully to the girl he

was engaged to marry.

"Of course I am," was the laughing response; "haven't I got a quack?"

* * *

A Northern man in an optician's shop in Nashville overheard

an amusing conversation between the proprietor of the establishment and

an aged darkey who was just leaving t
e place with a pair of new

spectacles. As the old fellow neared the door his eye lighted upon an

extraordinary-looking instrument conspicuously placed upon a counter.

The venerable negro paused for several moments to gaze in open-mouthed

wonder at this thing, the like of which he had never seen before. After

a long struggle with his curiosity he was vanquished. Turning to the

optician, he asked: "What is it, boss?" "That is an opthalmometer,"

replied the optician in his gravest manner. "Sho," muttered the old man

to himself, as he backed out of the door, his eyes still fastened upon

the curious-looking thing on the counter. "Sho, dat's what I was afeared

it was!"

* * *

In many of the rural districts of the United States where money does not

circulate with great rapidity services are paid for "in kind." Farmers,

for example, will give potatoes, eggs, etc., in payment for debts. A

young surgeon who had occasion to operate in one of these districts

hopefully approached the husband of the patient and asked for his fee,

which amounted to $100. "Doc," said the old man, "I haven't much ready

cash on hand. Suppose you let me pay you in kind." "Well, I guess that

will be all right," replied the young doctor, cheerfully. "What do you

deal in?" "Horseradish, doc," answered the old man.

* * *

The ferryboat was well on her way when a violent storm arose. The

ferryman and his mate, both Highlanders, held a consultation, and after

a short debate the ferryman turned to his passengers and remarked,

anxiously: "We'll just tak' your tuppences now, for we dinna ken what

micht come over us."

* * *

