Point Of View

A couple from Boston spent a winter in Augusta, Georgia. During the

period of their visit, they became fond of an old colored woman, and

even invited her to visit their home at their expense. In due time after

their return to Boston, the visitor was entertained. Every courtesy was

extended to the old colored woman, and she even had her meals with the

host and hostess. One day at dinner, the host remarked, with a certain

smug satisfaction in his own democratic hospitality:

"I imagine that, during all the time you were a slave, your master never

invited you to eat at his table."

"No, suh, dat he didn't," replied the old darky. "My master was a

genl'man. He never let no nigger set at table 'long side o' him."

* * *

The kindly old lady chanced to be present at the feeding of the lions in

the zoo. Presently, she remarked to the keeper:

"Isn't that a very small piece of meat to give to the lions?"

The man answered very respectfully, but firmly:

"It may seem like a very small piece of meat to you, mum, but it seems

like a big piece of meat to the lions, mum."

