A Test
Time, Value Of.
A cobbler at Leyden, who used to attend the public disputations
held at the academy, was once asked if he understood Latin? "No," replied
the mechanic, "but it is easy to know who is wrong in the argument." "How?"
enquired his friend. "Why, by seeing who is first angry."
Casaubon, in his "Treatise on the Passions," relates the following pleasing
anecdote of Robert, one of the greatest monarchs that ever swayed the
sceptre of France. Having once surprised a rogue who had cut away the half
of his mantle, he took no other notice of the offence than by saying
mildly to him, "Save thyself, sinner, and leave the rest for another who
may have need of it."
Garrick once complained to Sir Joshua Reynolds of the abuse with which he
was loaded by Foote, when Sir Joshua answered, that Foote, in so doing,
gave the strongest possible proof of being in the wrong; as it was always
the man who had the worst side who became violent and abusive.