Literary pursuits

: Robbers.

"We had performed half the journey," writes our
informant, "when Sir Walter started as from a dream, exclaiming: 'Oh, my

friend G----, I have forgotten you till this moment!' A short mile brought

us to a small town, where Sir Walter ordered a post-chaise, in which he

deposited his luggage, consisting of a well-worn short hazel stick, and a

paper parcel containing a few books; then, much to my regret, he changed

his route, and
returned to the Scottish capital. The following month I was

again in Edinburgh, and curiosity induced me to wait on the friend G----

apostrophised by Sir Walter, and whose friendship I had the honour to

possess. The cause of Sir Walter's return, I was informed, was this:--He

had engaged to furnish an article for a periodical conducted by my friend,

but the promise had slipped from his memory--a most uncommon occurrence,

for Sir Walter was gifted with the best of memories--until the moment of

his exclamation. His instant return was the only means of retrieving the

error. Retrieved, however, it was; and the following morning Mr. G----

received several sheets of closely-written manuscript, the transcribing of

which alone must have occupied half the night."

