A Grateful Lioness

A Dreadful famine raged at Buenos Ayres, yet the governor, afraid of

giving the Indians a habit of spilling Spanish blood, forbade the

inhabitants on pain of death to go into the fields in search of relief,

placing soldiers at all the outlets to the country, with orders to fire

upon those who should attempt to transgress his orders. A woman, however,

called Maldonata, was artful enough to elude the vigilance of the guards,
/> and escape. After wandering about the country for a long time, she sought

for shelter in a cavern, but she had scarcely entered it when she espied a

lioness, the sight of which terrified her. She was, however, soon quieted

by the caresses of the animal, who, in return for a service rendered her,

showed every sign of affection and friendliness. She never returned from

searching after her own daily subsistence without laying a portion of it

at the feet of Maldonata, until her whelps being strong enough to walk

abroad, she took them out with her and never returned.

Some time after Maldonata fell into the hands of the Spaniards, and being

brought back to Buenos Ayres on the charge of having left the city

contrary to orders, the governor, a man of cruelty, condemned the

unfortunate woman to a death which none but the most cruel tyrant could

have thought of. He ordered some soldiers to take her into the country and

leave her tied to a tree, either to perish by hunger, or to be torn to

pieces by wild beasts, as he expected. Two days after, he sent the same

soldiers to see what was become of her; when, to their great surprise,

they found her alive and unhurt, though surrounded by lions and tigers,

which a lioness at her feet kept at some distance. As soon as the lioness

perceived the soldiers, she retired a little, and enabled them to unbind

Maldonata, who related to them the history of this lioness, whom she knew

to be the same she had formerly assisted in the cavern. On the soldiers

taking Maldonata away, the lioness fawned upon her as unwilling to part.

The soldiers reported what they had seen to the commander, who could not

but pardon a woman who had been so singularly protected, without appearing

more inhuman than lions themselves.

