More Faithful Than Favoured

A gentleman once possessed a mastiff which guarded the house and yard, but

had never met with the least particular attention from his master. One

night, as his master was retiring to his chamber, attended by his

faithful valet, an Italian, the mastiff silently followed him upstairs,

which he had never been known to do before, and, to his master's

astonishment, presented himself in his bedroom. He was instantly turned

t; but the poor animal began scratching violently at the door, and

howling loudly for admission. The servant was sent to drive him away;

still he returned again, and was more importunate than before to be let

in. The gentleman, weary of opposition, bade the servant open the door,

that they might see what he wanted to do. This done, the dog deliberately

walked up, and crawling under the bed, laid himself down as if desirous to

take up his night's lodging there. To save farther trouble, the indulgence

was allowed. About midnight the chamber door opened, and a person was

heard stepping across the room. The gentleman started from his sleep; the

dog sprung from his covert, and seizing the unwelcome disturber, fixed him

to the spot! All was dark; and the gentleman rang his bell in great

trepidation, in order to procure a light. The person who was pinned to the

floor by the courageous mastiff roared for assistance. It was found to be

the valet, who little expected such a reception. He endeavoured to

apologise for his intrusion, and to make the reasons which induced him to

take this step appear plausible; but the importunity of the dog, the time,

the place, the manner of the valet, all raised suspicions in his master's

mind, and he determined to refer the investigation of the business to a

magistrate. The perfidious Italian at length confessed that it was his

intention to murder his master, and then rob the house. This diabolical

design was frustrated only by the instinctive attachment of the dog to his

master, which seemed to have been directed on this occasion by the

interference of Providence.

