The Heroism Of A Hen

A contest of rather an unusual nature took place in the house of a

respectable innkeeper in Ireland. The parties concerned were, a hen of the

game species, and a rat of the middle size. The hen, in an accidental

perambulation round a spacious room, accompanied by an only chicken, the

sole surviving offspring of a numerous brood, was roused to madness by an

unprovoked attack made by a voracious cowardly rat on her unsuspecting

chirping companion. The shrieks of the beloved captive, while being

dragged away by the enemy, excited every maternal feeling in the

affectionate bosom of the feathered dame; she flew at the corner whence

the alarm arose, seized the lurking enemy by the neck, writhed him about

the room, put out one of his eyes in the engagement, and so fatigued her

opponent by repeated attacks of spur and bill, that in the space of twelve

minutes, during which time the conflict lasted, she put a final period to

the nocturnal invader's existence; nimbly turned round, in wild but

triumphant distraction, to her palpitating nestling, and hugged it in her

victorious bosom.

