Curran And The Farmer

A farmer attending a fair with a hundred pounds in his pocket, took the

precaution of depositing it in the hands of the landlord of the

public-house at which he stopped. Next day he applied for the money, but

the host affected to know nothing of the business. In this dilemma the

farmer consulted Curran. Have patience, my friend, said the counsel;

speak to the landlord civilly, and tell him you are convinced you must

e left your money with some other person. Take a friend with you, and

lodge with him another hundred, and then come to me. The dupe doubted

the advice; but, moved by the authority or rhetoric of the learned

counsel, he at length followed it. And now, sir, said he to Cumin, I

don't see as I am to be better off for this, if I get my second hundred

again; but how is that to be done? Go and ask him for it when he is

alone, said the counsel. Ay, sir, but asking won't do, I'ze afraid,

without my witness, at any rate. Never mind, take my advice, said

Curran; do as I bid you, and return to me. The farmer did so, and came

back with his hundred, glad at any rate to find that safe again in his

possession. Now, sir, I suppose I must be content; but I don't see as I

am much better off. Well, then, said the counsel, now take your

friend with you, and ask the landlord for the hundred pounds your friend

saw you leave with him. It need not be added, that the wily landlord

found that he had been taken off his guard, whilst the farmer returned

exultingly to thank his counsel, with both hundreds in his pocket.

