The Dean And Faulkner

George Faulkner, the Dublin printer, once called on Dean Swift on his

return from London, dressed in a rich coat of silk brocade and gold

lace, and seeming not a little proud of the adorning of his person: the

Dean determined to humble him. When he entered the room, and saluted the

Dean with all the respectful familiarity of an old acquaintance, the

Dean affected not to know him; in vain did he declare himself as George

Faulkner, the Dublin printer; the Dean declared him an impostor, and at

last abruptly bade him begone. Faulkner, perceiving the error he had

committed, instantly returned home, and resuming his usual dress, again

went to the Dean, when he was very cordially received. Ah, George,

said he, I am so glad to see you, for here has been an impudent

coxcomb, bedizened in silks and gold lace, who wanted to pass himself

off for you; but I soon sent the fellow about his business; for I knew

you to be always a plain dressed and honest man, just as you now

appear before me.

