Ready Reply

THE grass-plots in the college courts or quadrangles are not for the

unhallowed feet of the under-graduates. Some, however, are hardy enough

to venture, in despite of all remonstrance. A master of Trinity had

often observed a student of his college invariably to cross the green,

when, in obedience to the calls of his appetite, he went to hall to

dine. One day the master determined to reprove the delinquent for

invading the rights of his superiors, and for that purpose he threw up

the sash at which he was sitting, and called to the student,--Sir, I

never look out of my window but I see you walking across the

grass-plot. My lord, replied the offender instantly, I never walk

across the grass-plot, but I see you looking out of your window. The

master, pleased at the readiness of the reply, closed his window,

convulsed with laughter.

