What Is An Archdeacon?

LORD ALTHORP, when Chancellor of the Exchequer, having to propose to the

House of Commons a vote of L400 a year for the salary of the Archdeacon

of Bengal, was puzzled by a question from Mr. Hume, What are the duties

of an archdeacon? So he sent one of the subordinate occupants of the

Treasury Bench to the other House to obtain an answer to the question

from one of the bishops. To Dr. Blomfield accordingly the messenger

went, and repeated the question, What is an archdeacon?--An

archdeacon, replied the bishop, in his quick way, an archdeacon is an

ecclesiastical officer, who performs archidiaconal functions; and with

this reply Lord Althorp and the House were perfectly satisfied. It ought

to be added, however, that when the story was repeated to the bishop

himself, he said that he had no recollection of having made any such

answer; but that if he had, it must have been suggested to him by a

saying of old John White, a dentist, whom he had known in early days,

who used to recommend the use of lavender-water to his patients, and

when pressed for a reason for his recommendation, replied, On account

of its lavendric properties.

