It was at a banquet in Washington given to a large body of congressmen,

mostly from the rural districts. The tables were elegant, and it was a

scene of fairy splendor; but on one table there were no decorations but

palm leaves.

"Here," said a congressman to the head waiter, "why don't you put them

things on our table too?" pointing to the plants.

The head waiter didn't know he was a congress

"We cain't do it, boss," he whispered confidentially; "dey's mostly

congressmen at 'dis table, an' if we put pa'ms on de table dey take um

for celery an' eat um all up sho. 'Deed dey would, boss. We knows 'em."

Representative X, from North Carolina, was one night awakened by his

wife, who whispered, "John, John, get up! There are robbers in the


"Robbers?" he said. "There may be robbers in the Senate, Mary; but not

in the House! It's preposterous!"--_John N. Cole, Jr_.

Champ Clark loves to tell of how in the heat of a debate Congressman

Johnson of Indiana called an Illinois representative a jackass. The

expression was unparliamentary, and in retraction Johnson said:

"While I withdraw the unfortunate word, Mr. Speaker, I must insist that

the gentleman from Illinois is out of order."

"How am I out of order?" yelled the man from Illinois.

"Probably a veterinary surgeon could tell you," answered Johnson, and

that was parliamentary enough to stay on the record.

A Georgia Congressman had put up at an American-plan hotel in New York.

When, upon sitting down at dinner the first evening of his stay, the

waiter obsequiously handed him a bill of fare, the Congressman tossed it

aside, slipped the waiter a dollar bill, and said, "Bring me a good


The dinner proving satisfactory, the Southern member pursued this plan

during his entire stay in New York. As the last tip was given, he

mentioned that he was about to return to Washington.

Whereupon, the waiter, with an expression of great earnestness, said:

"Well, sir, when you or any of your friends that can't read come to New

York, just ask for Dick."

