One of the stories told by Mr. Spencer Leigh Hughes in his speech in the

House of Commons one night tickled everybody. It is the story of the

small boy who was watching the Speaker's procession as it wended its way

through the lobby. First came the Speaker, and then the chaplain, and

next the other officers.

"Who, father, is that gentleman?" said the small boy, pointing to the


"That, my son," said the father, "is the chaplain of the House."

"Does he pray for the members?" asked the small boy.

The father thought a minute and then said: "No, my son; when he goes

into the House he looks around and sees the members sitting there and

then he prays for the country."--_Cardiff Mail_.

There is a lad in Boston, the son of a well-known writer of history, who

has evidently profited by such observations as he may have overheard his

father utter touching certain phases of British empire-building. At any

rate the boy showed a shrewd notion of the opinion not infrequently

expressed in regard to the righteousness of "British occupation." It was

he who handed in the following essay on the making of a British colony:

"Africa is a British colony. I will tell you how England does it. First

she gets a missionary; when the missionary has found a specially

beautiful and fertile tract of country, he gets all his people round him

and says: 'Let us pray,' and when all the eyes are shut, up goes the

British flag."

