General Gordon, the Confederate commander, used to tell the following

story: He was sitting by the roadside one blazing hot day when a

dilapidated soldier, his clothing in rags, a shoe lacking, his head

bandaged, and his arm in a sling, passed him. He was soliloquizing in

this manner:

"I love my country. I'd fight for my country. I'd starve and go thirsty

for my country. I'd die for my country. But if eve
this damn war is

over I'll never love another country!"

A snobbish young Englishman visiting Washington's home at Mount Vernon

was so patronizing as to arouse the wrath of guards and caretakers; but

it remained for "Shep" Wright, an aged gardener and one of the first

scouts of the Confederate army, to settle the gentleman. Approaching

"Shep," the Englishman said:

"Ah--er--my man, the hedge! Yes, I see, George got this hedge from dear

old England."

"Reckon he did," replied "Shep". "He got this whole blooming country

from England."

Speaking of the policy of the Government of the United States with

respect to its troublesome neighbors in Central and South America,

"Uncle Joe" Cannon told of a Missouri congressman who is decidedly

opposed to any interference in this regard by our country. It seems that

this spring the Missourian met an Englishman at Washington with whom he

conversed touching affairs in the localities mentioned. The westerner

asserted his usual views with considerable forcefulness, winding up with

this observation:

"The whole trouble is that we Americans need a ---- good licking!"

"You do, indeed!" promptly asserted the Britisher, as if pleased by the

admission. But his exultation was of brief duration, for the Missouri

man immediately concluded with:

"But there ain't nobody can do it!"

A number of Confederate prisoners, during the Civil War, were detained

at one of the western military posts under conditions much less

unpleasant than those to be found in the ordinary military prison. Most

of them appreciated their comparatively good fortune. One young fellow,

though, could not be reconciled to association with Yankees under any

circumstances, and took advantage of every opportunity to express his

feelings. He was continually rubbing it in about the battle of

Chickamauga, which had just been fought with such disastrous results for

the Union forces.

"Maybe we didn't eat you up at Chickamauga!" was the way he generally

greeted a bluecoat.

The Union men, when they could stand it no longer, reported the matter

to General Grant. Grant summoned the prisoner.

"See here," said Grant, "I understand that you are continually insulting

the men here with reference to the battle of Chickamauga. They have

borne with you long enough, and I'm going to give you your choice of two

things. You will either take the oath of allegiance to the United

States, or be sent to a Northern prison. Choose."

The prisoner was silent for some time. "Well," he said at last, in a

resigned tone, "I reckon, General, I'll take the oath."

The oath was duly administered. Turning to Grant, the fellow then asked,

very penitently, if he might speak.

"Yes," said the general indifferently. "What is it?"

"Why, I was just thinkin', General," he drawled, "they certainly did

give us hell at Chickamauga."

Historical controversies are creeping into the schools. In a New York

public institution attended by many races, during an examination in

history the teacher asked a little chap who discovered America.

He was evidently thrown into a panic and hesitated, much to the

teacher's surprise, to make any reply.

"Oh, please, ma'am," he finally stammered, "ask me somethin' else."

"Something else, Jimmy? Why should I do that?"

"The fellers was talkin' 'bout it yesterday," replied Jimmy, "Pat McGee

said it was discovered by an Irish saint. Olaf, he said it was a sailor

from Norway, and Giovanni said it was Columbus, an' if you'd a-seen what

happened you wouldn't ask a little feller like me."

Our country! When right to be kept right; when wrong to be put

right!--_Carl Schurz_.

Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always be

in the right; but our country, right or wrong.--_Stephen Decatur_.

There are no points of the compass on the chart of true

patriotism.--_Robert C. Winthrop_.

Patriotic exercises and flag worship will avail nothing unless the

states give to their people of the kind of government that arouses

patriotism.--_Franklin Pierce II_.

