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There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when
he can't afford it, and when he can.--_Mark Twain_.
_See_ Buildings. ...
Recently a friend who had heard that I sometimes suffer from insomnia told me of a sure cure. "Eat a pint of peanuts and drink two or three glasses of milk before going to bed," said he, "and I'll warrant you'll be asleep within half an hour." I did...
There was a young lady of Niger, Who went for a ride on a tiger; They returned from the ride With the lady inside, And a smile on the face of the tiger. --_Gilbert K. Chesterton_. ...
A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.--_Rudyard Kipling_. AUNT MARY--(horrified) "Good gracious. Harold, what would your mother say if she saw you smoking cigarets?" HAROLD (calmly)--"She'd have a fit. They're her cigarets." ...
While campaigning in Iowa Speaker Cannon was once inveigled into visiting the public schools of a town where he was billed to speak. In one of the lower grades an ambitious teacher called upon a youthful Demosthenes to entertain the distinguished ...
Snobbery is the pride of those who are not sure of their position. ...
Snore--An unfavorable report from headquarters.--_Foolish Dictionary_. ...
Among the stories told of the late Baron de Rothschild is one which details how a "change of heart" once came to his valet--an excellent fellow, albeit a violent "red." Alphonse was as good a servant as one would wish to employ, and as his soci...
Smart Society is made up of the worldly, the fleshy, and the devilish.--_Harold Melbourne_. "What are her days at home?" "Oh, a society leader has no days at home anymore. Nowadays she has her telephone hours." Society consists of two ...
A New York firm recently hung the following sign at the entrance of a large building: "Wanted: Sixty girls to sew buttons on the sixth floor." Reporters are obliged to write their descriptions of accidents hastily and often from meager data, a...
"I thought your father looked very handsome with his gray hairs." "Yes, dear old chap. I gave him those." ...
"A friend of mine, traveling in Ireland, stopped for a drink of milk at a white cottage with a thatched roof, and, as he sipped his refreshment, he noted, on a center table under a glass dome, a brick with a faded rose upon the top of it. "'Why...
There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it, and when he can.--_Mark Twain_. ...
"I always said old Cornelius Husk was slow," said one Quag man to another. "Why, what's he been doin' now?" the other asked. "Got himself run over by a hearse!" "So you heard the bullet whiz past you?" asked the lawyer of the darky. "Y...
"Is there anyone present who wishes the prayers of the congregation for a relative or friend?" asks the minister. "I do," says the angular lady arising from the rear pew. "I want the congregation to pray for my husband." "Why, sister Abigail!...
Think twice before you speak, and then you may be able to say something more aggraviting than if you spoke right out at once. A man had for years employed a steady German workman. One day Jake came to him and asked to be excused from work the ...
In the spring the housemaid's fancy Lightly turns from pot and pan To the greater necromancy Of a young unmarried man. You can hold her through the winter, And she'll work around and sing, But it's just as good as certain ...
One of the ushers approached a man who appeared to be annoying those about him. "Don't you like the show?" "Yes, indeed!" "Then why do you persist in hissing the performers?" "Why, m-man alive, I w-was-n't h-hissing! I w-was s-s-im-ply ...
A statesman is a deal politician.--_Mr. Dooley_. A statesman is a man who finds out which way the crowd is going, then jumps in front and yells like blazes. ...
An earnest preacher in Georgia, who has a custom of telling the Lord all the news in his prayers, recently began a petition for help against the progress of wickedness in his town, with the statement: "Oh, Thou great Jehovah, crime is on the inc...
"Can I get a steak here and catch the one o'clock train?" "It depends on your teeth, sir." ...
"Can you tell what steam is?" asked the examiner. "Why, sure, sir," replied Patrick confidently. "Steam is--Why--er--it's wather thos's gone crazy wid the heat." ...
"That new steamer they're building is a whopper," says the man with the shoe button nose. "Yes," agrees the man with the recalcitrant hair, "but my uncle is going to build one so long that when a passenger gets seasick in one end of it he can g...
A beautiful statuesque blond had left New York to act as stenographer to a dignified Philadelphian of Quaker descent. On the morning of her first appearance she went straight to the desk of her employer. "I presume," she remarked, "that you begi...