Nothing succeeds like excess.--_Life_.
Nothing succeeds like looking successful.--_Henriette Corkland_.
Success in life often consists in knowing just when to disagree with
one's employer.
A New Orleans lawyer was asked to address the boys of a business school.
He commenced:
"My young friends, as I approached the entrance
o this room I noticed
on the panel of the door a word eminently appropriate to an institution
of this kind. It expresses the one thing most useful to the average man
when he steps into the arena of life. It was--"
"Pull," shouted the boys, in a roar of laughter, and the lawyer felt
that he had taken his text from the wrong side of the door.
I'd rather be a Could Be
If I could not be an Are;
For a Could Be is a May Be,
With a chance of touching par.
I'd rather be a Has Been
Than a Might Have Been, by far;
For a Might Have Been has never been,
But a Has was once an Are.
'Tis not in mortals to command success,
But we'll do more, Sempronius,--
We'll deserve it.
There are two ways of rising in the world: either by one's own industry
or profiting by the foolishness of others.--_La Bruyère_.
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
--_Emily Dickinson_.
_See also_ Making good.