"Now, Willie," said the superintendent's little boy, addressing the
blacksmith's little boy, who had come over for a frolic, "we'll play
'Sabbath School.' You give me a nickel every Sunday for six months, and
then at Christmas I'll give you a ten-cent bag of candy."
When Lottie returned from her first visit to Sunday-school, she was
asked what she had learned.
"God made the wor
d in six days and was arrested on the seventh day,"
was her version of the lesson imparted.
The teacher asked: "When did Moses live?"
After the silence had become painful she ordered: "Open your Old
Testaments. What does it say there?"
A boy answered: "Moses, 4000."
"Now," said the teacher, "why didn't you know when Moses lived?"
"Well," replied the boy, "I thought it was his telephone
number,"--_Suburban Life_.
"How many of you boys," asked the Sunday-school superintendent, "can
bring two other boys next Sunday?"
There was no response until a new recruit raised his hand hesitatingly.
"Well, William?"
"I can't bring two, but there's one little feller I can lick, and I'll
do my damnedest to bring him."