
It was the bridegroom's third matrimonial undertaking, and the bride's

second. When the clergyman on whom they had called for the ceremony

entered the parlor, he found the couple comfortably seated. They made no

effort to rise, so, as he opened the book to begin the service, he

directed them, "Please, stand up."

The bridegroom looked at the bride, and the bride stared back at him,

and then both regarded t
e clergyman, while the man voiced their

decision in a tone that was quite polite, but very firm:

"We have ginerally sot."

* * *

It is a matter of common knowledge that there have been troublous times

in Ireland before those of the present. In the days of the Land League,

an Irish Judge told as true of an experience while he was holding court

in one of the turbulent sections. When the jury entered the court-room

at the beginning of the session, the bailiff directed them to take their

accustomed places.... And every man of them walked forward into the


