
The urchin was highly excited, and well he might be when we consider his


"They got twins up to sisters. One twin, he's a boy, an' one twin, she's

a girl, an' so I'm a uncle an' a aunt."

* * *

The Southern lady interrogated her colored cook, Matilda, concerning a

raid made on the chicken-house during the night.

"You sleep right close to the chicken-house, Matilda, and it seems to me

you must have heard the noise when those thieves were stealing the


"Yes, ma'am," Matilda admitted, with an expression of grief on her dusky

features. "I heerd de chickens holler, an' I heerd the voices ob de


"Then why didn't you go out and stop them?" the mistress demanded.

Matilda wept.

"Case, ma'am," she exclaimed, "I know'd my old fadder was dar, an' I

wouldn't hab him know I'se los' confidence in him foh all de chickens in

de world. If I had gone out dar an' kotched him, it would have broke his

ole heart, an', besides, he would hab made me tote de chickens home foh


