Social Uplift

The somewhat unpleasant person, who was a social worker, completed her

call on a dweller in the tenement district, and rose to depart. The

unwilling hostess shook her head at the visitor's promise to come again.

"And excuse me if I don't return the call," she vouchsafed. "Myself,

I've got no time to go slummin'."

* * *

The philanthropic h
stess entertained a party of children from

the slums at her home. She addressed one particularly pretty and

intelligent-looking little girl, who listened shyly. She urged the child

to speak without embarrassment. The little one complied, aspiring:

"How many children have you?"

"Six," the hostess answered, in surprise.

"What a big family! You must be sure to look after them properly, and be

very careful to keep them clean."

"I'll try to, certainly," the lady declared, much amused.

"Has your husband got a job?" the girl demanded crisply.

"Well, no," the hostess admitted.

"How unfortunate! You know you must keep out of debt."

"Really, you must not be impertinent," was the reproof.

"No, ma'am," the child responded simply, "mother said I must talk like a

lady, and that's the way the ladies talk when they come to see us."

