The Servant Problem

_Lady:_ "And why did your last mistress----"

_Applicant_ (_loftily_): "Excuse me, Madam!"

_Lady:_ "Well--er--your last employer----"

_Applicant:_ "I beg your pardon, Madam!"

_Lady:_ "Well, then, your last--er--pray what do you call those in whose

service you are engaged?"

_Applicant:_ "Clients, Madam."

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_Small Girl:_ "I wonder how old Joan is?"

_Small Boy:_ "I bet she won't see four again."

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_Mother:_ "Well, dear, has Jack kissed you under the mistletoe?"

_Mary_ (_demurely_): "Yes, Mummy."

_Mother:_ "And did you enjoy it?"

_Mary:_ "Yes, thank you, Mummy; but (_very demurely_) _I struggled_."

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"Mollie, you haven't said your prayers."

"I'm going to say them in bed to-night."

"Oh, Mollie, that isn't etiquette."

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_Applicant for Situation:_ "And 'ow long did yer last cook oblige yer?"

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