An Apt Reproof

MR. WESLEY, during his voyage to America, hearing an unusual noise in

the cabin of General Oglethorpe (the Governor of Georgia, with whom he

sailed), stepped in to inquire the cause of it, on which the General

immediately addressed him: Mr. Wesley, you must excuse me. I have met

with a provocation too great for man to bear. You know the only wine I

drink is Cyprus wine, as it agrees with me the best of any; and this

lain Grimaldi (his foreign servant) has drunk up the whole I had on

board. But I will be revenged of him. I have ordered him to be tied hand

and foot, and to be carried to the man-of-war that sails with us. The

rascal should have taken care how he used me, for I never

forgive.--Then I hope, sir, said John Wesley, looking calmly at him,

you never sin. The General was quite confounded at the reproof, and

putting his hand into his pocket took out a bunch of keys, which he

threw at Grimaldi, saying, There, villain! Take my keys, and behave

better for the future.

