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A Toast
Here's a health to thee, Tom: a bright bumper we drain To the friends that our bosoms hold dear, As the bottle goes round, and again and again We whisper, "We wish he were here." Here's a health to thee, Tom: may the mis...
You dunno ma leetle boy Dominique? Never see heem runnin' roun' about de place? 'Cos I want to get advice how to kip heem lookin' nice, So he won't be alway dirty on de face. Now dat leetle boy of mine, Dominique, I...
How Bateese Came Home
W'en I was young boy on de farm--dat's twenty year ago-- I have wan frien', he's leev near me, call Jean Bateese Trudeau, An offen, w'en we are alone, we lak for spik about De tam w'en we was come beeg man, wit' moustache on our mo...
Mother Hunt's Chickens
Five years ago, come next summer, the old lady made a trip to Halifax, in one of our Digby coasters, to see sister Susannah, that is married in that city to Ted Fowler, the upholsterer, and took a whole lot of little notions with her to market to ...
Sheepskins And Politics
You know Uncle Tim; he was small, very small--not in stature, for he was a six-footer, but small in mind and small in heart; his soul was no bigger than a flea's. "Zeb, my boy," says he to me one day, "always be neuter in elections. You can't get ...
The Ahkoond Of Swat
What, what, what, What's the news from Swat? Sad news, Bad news, Comes by the cable led Through the Indian Ocean's bed, Through the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Med- Iterranean--he's dead; ...
The Amateur Orlando
It was an Amateur Dram. Ass. (Kind reader, although your Knowledge of French is not first-class Don't call that Amature.) It was an Amateur Dram. Ass., The which did warfare wage On the dramatic works of this An...
The Blue Nose
Let the Student of Nature in rapture descant, On the Heaven's cerulean hue; Let the Lover indulge in poetical rant, When the eyes of his Mistress are blue. But fill high your glasses--fill, fill to the brim, I've ...
The Centipede And The Barbaric Yak
While a Centipede was painfully toiling over the Libyan Desert he was encountered by a barbaric Yak, who scornfully asked him how were his poor feet. The humble creature made no reply at the time, but some days later found the barbaric Yak taken i...
The Corduroy Road
De corduroy road go bompety bomp, De corduroy road go jompety jomp, An' he's takin' beeg chances upset hees load De horse dat'll trot on de corduroy road. Of course it's purty rough, but it's handy t'ing enough, An' dey...
The Coroner And The Banana Peel
As a Coroner was entering a saloon to see a man he beheld a careless boy, who was eating a Banana, cast the rind of the fruit upon the slippery stone sidewalk, but instead of chiding the urchin, smiled and passed on. As he was coming out of the sa...
The Deacon's Bargain
Old Deacon Bruce of Aylesford, last Monday week, bought a sleigh of his fellow-deacon, Squire Burns, for five pounds. On his way home with it, who should he meet but Zeek Morse, a-trudging along through the snow a-foot. "Friend Zeek," says the ...
The Doctor
Old Dr. Green (you knowed him, in course--everybody knowed him) lived on Digby Neck. He was reckoned a skilful man, and was known to be a regular rotated doctor; but he drank like a fish (and it's actilly astonishing how many country doctors have ...
The Glow-worm And The Famished Nightingale
A famished Nightingale, who had been singing to very thin houses, chanced to encounter a Glow-worm at eventide and prepared to make upon him a light repast. The unfortunate Lampyris Splendidula besought the Songster, in the sacred name of Art, not...
The Gray Linnet
There's a little gray friar in yonder green bush, Clothed in sackcloth--a little gray friar, Like the druid of old in his temple--but hush! He's at vespers; you must not go nigher. Yet, the rogue! can those strains be addressed to the skies, And...
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The Merchant Of Venice
The Senator's Laundry
The Rhinoceros And The Dromedary
The Blue Nose
The Plumber's Revenge A Legend Of Madison Avenue
The Honest Newsboy
The Doctor
The Coroner And The Banana Peel
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Mother Hunt's Chickens
The Japanese Reporter
Sheepskins And Politics
The Hen And The Tailor
The Centipede And The Barbaric Yak
The Ostrich And The Hen
The Amateur Orlando
The Unfortunate Elephant