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A Chapter On Misers
We all love, worship and adore that everlasting deity--money. The poor feel its want, the rich know its power. Virtue falls before its corrupting and seductive influence. Honor is tainted by it. Pride, pomp and power, are but the creatures of mone...
A Circuitous Route
We know several folks who have a way of beating round and boxing the compass, from A to Z, and back again, that fairly knocks us into smithereens. One of these characters came to us the other day, and in a most mysterious manner, with the utmost e...
A Circumlocutory Egg Pedler
We have been, frequently, much amused with the man[oe]uvring of some folks in trade. It's not your cute folks, who screw, twist and twirl over a smooth fourpence, or skin a flea for its hide and tallow, and spoil a knife that cost a shilling,--tha...
A Desperate Race
Some years ago, I was one of a convivial party, that met in the principal hotel in the town of Columbus, Ohio, the seat of government of the Buckeye State. It was a winter evening when all without was bleak and stormy, and all within were blyth...
A Distinction With A Difference
A gentleman from "out 'town," came into Redding & Co.'s on Christmas day, and leaning thoughtfully over the counter, says he to Prescott, "Got any Psalms here?" "N-n-no," says Prescott, reflectingly, "but," he continued, after a moment's pause,...
A Dreadful State Of Excitement
A retrospective view of some ten or fifteen years, brings up a wonderful "heap of notions," which at their birth made quite a different sensation from that which their "bare remembrance" would seem to sanction now. The statement made in a "morning...
A General Disquisition On Hinges
Did you ever see a real, true, unadulterated specimen of Down East, enter a store, or other place of every-day business, for the purpose of "looking around," or dicker a little? They are "coons," they are, upon all such occasions. We noted one of ...
A Hint To Soyer
Magrundy says, in his work on Grub, that a Frenchman will "frigazee" a pair of old boots and make a respectable soup out of an ancient chapeau; but our friend Perriwinkle affirms that the French ain't "nowhere," after a feat he saw in the kitchen ...
A Juvenile Joe Miller
We observed a small transaction last Wednesday noon, on Hanover street, that wasn't so coarse for an urchin hardly out of his swaddling clouts. He was a cunning-looking little fellow, and poking his head into a shoe shop, he bawls out in a very ke...
A Night Adventure In Prairie Land
"I'll take a circuit around, and come out about the lower end of your mot,"* said I to my companion. "You remain here; lie down flat, and I'll warrant the old doe and her fawns will be found retracing their steps." [*] Mot is the name given...
A Severe Spell Of Sickness
It is the easiest thing under heaven to be sick, if you can afford it. What it costs some rich men for family sickness per annum, would keep all the children in "a poor neighborhood" in "vittels" and clothes the year round. When old Cauliflower to...
A Yankee In A Pork-house
"Conscience sakes! but hain't they got a lot of pork here?" said a looker-on in Quincy Market, t'other day. "Pork!" echoes a decidedly Green Mountain biped, at the elbow of the first speaker. "Yes, I vow it's quite as-tonishing how much pork ...
A-a-a-in't They Thick?
During the "great excitement" in Boston, relative to the fugitive slave "fizzle," a good-natured country gentleman, by the name of Abner Phipps; an humble artisan in the fashioning of buckets, wash-tubs and wooden-ware generally, from one of the r...
According To Gunter
Old Gunter was going home t'other night with a very heavy "turkey on"--about a forty-four pounder. Gunter accused the pavements of being icy, and down he came--kerchug! A "young lady" coming along, fidgetting and finiking, she made a very sudden a...
Affecting Cruelty
A hard-fisted "old hunker," who has made $30,000 in fifty-one years, by saving up rags, old iron, bones, soap-grease, snipping off the edges of halves, quarters, and nine-pences, raised the whole neighborhood t'other evening. He came across a full...
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The Science Of Diddling
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Jipson's Great Dinner Party
Look Out For Them Lobsters
The Fitzfaddles At Hull
Putting Me On A Platform!
The Exorbitancy Of Meanness
Taking Down A Sheriff