His Interview With Daniel Danser

Father O'Leary, when in London, had a great desire to see Daniel Danser;

but finding access to the king of misers very difficult, invented a

singular plan to gain his object. He sent a message to the miser, to the

effect that he had been in the Indies, become acquainted with a man of

immense wealth named Danser, who had died intestate, and, without a

shadow of doubt, was a relative of his. It may be that a recent dream,

coupled with the troubled state of the palm of his right hand, had their

share in inducing Daniel to allow the witty friar into his apartment.

Once entered, O'Leary contrived to sit down without depriving Mr. Danser

of the least portion of his dust, which, seemed to please him much; for

Daniel held that cleaning furniture was an invention of the enemy; that

it only helped to wear it out; consequently, regarded his dust as the

protector of his household gods. Daniel's fond dreams of wealth from the

Indies being dispelled, O'Leary began to console him by an historical

review of the Danser family, whose genealogy he traced from David, who

danced before the Israelites, down to the Welsh jumpers, then

contemporaries of dancing notoriety. His wit triumphed: for a moment

the sallow brow of avarice became illumined by the indications of a

delighted mind, and Danser had courage enough to invite his visitor to

partake of a glass of wine, which, he said, he would procure for his

refreshment. A cordial shake hands was the return made for O'Leary's

polite refusal of so expensive a compliment; and he came from the house

followed by its strange tenant, who, to the amusement of O'Leary, and

the astonishment of the only other person who witnessed the scene,

solicited the favor of another visit.

