A tale is told of a Kansas minister, a great precisionist in the use of

words, whose exactness sometimes destroyed the force of what he was

saying. On one occasion, in the course of an eloquent prayer, he


"O Lord! waken thy cause in the hearts of this congregation and give

them new eyes to see and new impulse to do. Send down Thy lev-er or

lee-ver, according to Webster's or Worcester's dictionary, whichever

Thou usest, and pry them into activity."

"I'm at the head of my class, pa," said Willie.

"Dear me, son, how did that happen?" cried his father.

"Why, the teacher asked us this morning how to pronounce

C-h-i-h-u-a-h-u-a, and nobody knew," said Willie, "but when she got down

to me I sneezed and she said that was right."

_See also_ Liars.

