A city man, visiting a small country town, boarded a stage with two

dilapidated horses, and found that he had no other currency than a

five-dollar bill. This he proffered to the driver. The latter took it,

looked it over for a moment or so, and then asked:

"Which horse do you want?"

A traveler in Indiana noticed that a farmer was having trouble with his

horse. It would start, g
slowly for a short distance, and then stop

again. Thereupon the farmer would have great difficulty in getting it

started. Finally the traveler approached and asked, solicitously:

"Is your horse sick?"

"Not as I knows of."

"Is he balky?"

"No. But he is so danged 'fraid I'll say whoa and he won't hear me, that

he stops every once in a while to listen."

A German farmer was in search of a horse.

"I've got just the horse for you," said the liveryman. "He's five years

old, sound as a dollar and goes ten miles without stopping."

The German threw his hands skyward.

"Not for me," he said, "not for me. I live eight miles from town, und

mit dot horse I haf to valk back two miles."

There's a grocer who is notorious for his wretched horse flesh.

The grocer's boy is rather a reckless driver. He drove one of his

master's worst nags a little too hard one day, and the animal fell ill

and died.

"You've killed my horse, curse you!" the grocer said to the boy the next


"I'm sorry, boss," the lad faltered.

"Sorry be durned!" shouted the grocer. "Who's going to pay me for my


"I'll make it all right, boss," said the boy soothingly. "You can take

it out of my next Saturday's wages."

Before Abraham Lincoln became President he was called out of town on

important law business. As he had a long distance to travel he hired a

horse from a livery stable. When a few days later he returned he took

the horse back to the stable and asked the man who had given it to him:

"Keep this horse for funerals?"

"No, indeed," answered the man indignantly.

"Glad to hear it," said Lincoln; "because if you did the corpse wouldn't

get there in time for the resurrection."

