The Perils Of Wealth

Money is admitted to be--there is no earthly use of dodging the

fact--the lever of the whole world, by which it and its multifarious

cargo of men and matters, mountains and mole hills, wit, wisdom, weal,

woe, warfare and women, are kept in motion, in season and out of season.

It is the arbiter of our fates, our health, happiness, life and death.

Where it makes one man a happy Christian, it makes ten thousand

evils. It is no use to argufy the matter, for money is the

"root of all evil," more or less, and--as Patricus Hibernicus is

supposed to have said of a single feather he reposed on--if a dollar

gives some men so much uneasiness, what must a million do? Money has

formed the basis of many a long and short story, and we only wish that

they were all imbued, as our present story is, with--more irresistible

mirth than misery. Lend us your ears.

Not long ago, one of our present well-known--or ought to be, for he is a

man of parts--business men of Boston, resided and carried on a small

"trade and dicker" in the city of Portland. By frugal care and small

profits, he had managed to save up some six hundred dollars, all in

halves, finding himself in possession of this vast sum of hard cash,

he began to conceive a rather insignificant notion of small cities;

and he concluded that Portland was hardly big enough for a man of his

pecuniary heft! In short, he began to feel the importance of his

position in the world of finance, and conceived the idea that it would

be a sheer waste of time and energy to stay in Portland, while with

his capital, he could go to Boston, and spread himself among the

millionaires and hundred thousand dollar men!

"Yes," said B----, "I'll go to Boston; I'd be a fool to stay here any

longer; I'll leave for bigger timber. But what will I do with my money?

How will I invest it? Hadn't I better go and take a look around, before

I conclude to move? My wife don't know I've got this money," he

continued, as he mused over matters one evening, in his sanctum; "I'll

not tell her of it yet, but say I'm just going to Boston to see how

business is there in my line; and my money I'll put in an old cigar box,


* * * * *

B---- was all ready with his valise and umbrella in his hand. His

"good-bye" and all that, to his wife, was uttered, and for the tenth

time he charged his better half to be careful of the fire, (he occupied

a frame house,) see that the doors were all locked at night, and "be

sure and fasten the cellar doors."

B---- had got out on to the pavement, with no time to spare to reach the

cars in season; yet he halted--ran back--opened the door, and in evident

concern, bawled out to his wife--


"Well?" she answered.

"Be sure to fasten the alley gate!"

"Ye-e-e-e-s!" responded the wife, from the interior of the house.

"And whatever you do, don't forget them cellar doors, Caddie!"

"Ye-e-e-e-s!" she repeated, and away went B----, lickety split, for the

Boston train.

After a general and miscellaneous survey of modern Athens, B---- found

an opening--a good one--to go into business, as he desired, upon a

liberal scale; but he found vent for the explosion of one very

hallucinating idea--his six hundred dollars, as a cash capital, was a

most infinitesimal circumstance, a mere "flea bite;" would do very

well for an amateur in the cake and candy, pea-nut or vegetable

business, but was hardly sufficient to create a sensation among the

monied folks of Milk street, or "bulls" and "bears" on 'change. However,

this realization was more than counter-balanced by another

fact--"confidence" was a largely developed bump on the business head

of Boston, and if a man merely lacked "means," yet possessed an

abundance of good business qualifications--spirit, energy, talent and

tact--they were bound to see him through! In short, B----, the great

Portland capitalist, found things about right, and in good time, and in

the best of spirits, started for home, determining, in his own mind, to

give his wife a most pleasant surprise, in apprizing her of the fact

that she was not only the wife of a man with six hundred silver dollars,

and about to move his institution--but the better half of a gentleman

on the verge of a new campaign as a Boston business man.

"Lord! how Caroline's eyes will snap!" said B----; "how she'll go in;

for she's had a great desire to live in Boston these five years, but

thinks I'm in debt, and don't begin to believe I've got them six hundred

all hid away down----. But I'll surprise her!"

B---- had hardly turned his corner and got sight of his house, with his

mind fairly sizzling with the pent-up joyful tidings and grand surprise

in store for Mrs. B., when a sudden change came over the spirit of his

dream! As he gazed over the fence, by the now dim twilight of fading

day, he thought--yes, he did see fresh earthy loose stones, barrels of

lime, mortar, and an ominous display of other building and repairing

materials, strewn in the rear of his domicil! The cellar doors--those

wings of the subterranean recesses of his house--which he had cautioned,

earnestly cautioned, the "wife of his bussim" to close, carefully and

securely, were sprawling open, and indeed, the outside of his abode

looked quite dreary and haunted.

"My dear Caroline!" exclaimed B----, rushing into the rear door of his

domestic establishment, to the no small surprise of Mrs. B., who gave a


"Oh dear! how you frightened me, Fred! Got home?"

"Home? yes! don't you see I have. But, Carrie, didn't I earnestly beg of

you to keep those doors--cellar doors--shut? fastened?"

"Why, how you talk! Bless me! Keep the cellar shut? Why, there's nothing

in the cellar."

"Nothing in the cellar?" fairly howls B----.

"Nothing? Of course there is not," quietly responded the wife; "there is

nothing in the cellar; day before yesterday, our drain and Mrs. A.'s

drain got choked up; she went to the landlord about it; he sent some

men, they examined the drain, and came back to-day with their tools and

things, and went down the cellar."

"Down the cellar?" gasped B----, quite tragically.

"Down the cellar!" slowly repeated Mrs. B.

"Give me a light--quick, give me a light, Caroline!"

"Why, don't be a fool. I brought up all the things, the potatoes, the

meat, the squashes."

"P-o-o-h! blow the meat and squashes! Give me a light!" and with a

genuine melo-drama rush, B---- seized the lamp from his wife's hand, and

down the cellar stairs he went, four steps at a lick. In a moment was


"O-o-o-h! I'm ruined!"

With a full-fledged scream, Mrs. B. dashed pell-mell down the stairs, to

her husband. He had dropped the lamp--all was dark as a coal mine.

"Fred--Frederick! oh! where are you? What have you done?" cried his

wife, in intense agony and doubt.

"Done? Oh! I'm done! yes, done now!" he heavily sighed.

"Done what? how? Tell me, Fred, are you hurt?"

"What on airth's the matter, thar? Are you committing murder on one

another?" came a voice from above stairs.

"Is that you, Mrs. A.?" asked Mrs. B. to the last speaker.

"Yes, my dear; here's a dozen neighbors; don't get skeert. Is thare

robbers in yer house? What on airth is going on?"

This brought B---- to his proper reckoning. He ordered his wife to "go

up," and he followed, and upon reaching the room, he found quite a

gathering of the neighbors. He was as white as a white-washed wall, and

the neighbors staring at him as though he was a wild Indian, or a

chained mad dog. Importuned from all sides to unravel the mystery, B----

informed them that he had merely gone down cellar to see what the

masons, &c., had been doing--dropped his lamp--his wife screamed--and

that was all about it! The wife said nothing, and the neighbors shook

their incredulous heads, and went home; which, no sooner had they gone,

than B---- seized his hat and cut stick for the office of a cunning,

far-seeing limb of the law, leaving Mrs. B. in a state of mental

agitation better imagined than described. B---- stated his case--he had

buried six hundred dollars in a box under the lee of the cellar-wall,

and gone to Boston on business, and as if no other time would suit, a

parcel of drain-cleaners, and masons, and laborers, must come and go

right there and then to dig--get the six hundred dollars and clear.

After a long chase, law and bother, B---- recovered half his

money--packed up and came to Boston.--There's a case for you! Beware of


