Mimic Reclaimed

: The Drama--actors, Etc.

In the beginning of the last century, a comedian of the
name of Griffin, celebrated for his talents as a mimic, was employed by a

comic author to imitate the personal peculiarities of the celebrated Dr.

Woodward, whom he intended to be introduced in a comedy as _Dr. Fossil_.

The mimic, dressed as a countryman, waited on the doctor with a long

catalogue of complaints with which he said his wife was afflicted. The

physician hea
d with amazement diseases and pains of the most opposite

nature, repeated and redoubled on the wretched patient. The actor having

thus detained the doctor until he thought himself completely master of his

errand, presented him with a guinea as his fee. "Put up thy money, poor

fellow," cried the doctor, "thou hast need of all thy cash, and all thy

patience, too, with such a bundle of diseases tied to thy back." The mimic

returned to his employer, who was in raptures at his success, until he told

him that he would sooner die than prostitute his talents to render such

genuine humanity food for diversion.

Senesino and Farinelli, when in England together, being engaged at

different theatres on the same night, had not an opportunity of hearing

each other, till, by one of those sudden revolutions which frequently

happen, yet are always unexpected, they were both employed to sing on the

same stage. Senesino had the part of a furious tyrant to represent and

Farinelli that of an unfortunate hero in chains; but in the course of the

very first song, the latter so softened the heart of the enraged tyrant,

that Senesino, forgetting his assumed character, ran to Farinelli and

embraced him.

